Education for Key Stage 2

We bring science, geography and history to life through hands-on experiences in the local environment. Programmes at Creekside Discovery Centre allow participants to explore, make discoveries, propose hypotheses, carry out investigations and draw conclusions all whilst engaged in an exciting outdoor activity.

  • School visits normally run 10.00am – 2.15pm
  • Class size of up to 30 pupils
  • Low Tide sessions cost £300 for a full day and include a Low Tide Walk in Deptford Creek
  • High Tide sessions cost £275 for a full day
  • £25 discount available for schools with >15% of pupils receiving Pupil Premium funding

24/25 Earlybird offer - Monday 09/09/24 - Thursday 12/09/24, KS2 Rivers at Low Tide, 2 classes per day for £500 = £50 per class discount

Programmes available:

Habitats - High Tide

Compare an aquatic habitat and a terrestrial habitat by studying the Creekside pond and the surrounding areas

Includes opportunities to:

  • Working scientifically – Sample invertebrates using a range of scientific equipment, record results and use classification keys.
  • Living things and their habitats – Identify and name a variety of living things and group them into broad groups
  • Living things and their habitats – Classify living things according to common observable characteristics
  • Evolution and inheritance – discover how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment
  • Physical education – Take part in an outdoor and adventurous activity


Rivers at Low Tide

A guided walk in Deptford Creek wearing waders

Suitable for Year 3-6 students. Includes opportunities to:

  • Physical geography – Understand key aspects of rivers and the water cycle
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork – Observe the human and physical features in and around Deptford Creek
  • Human geography – Observe how the land use of the area around Deptford Creek has changed
  • Living things and their habitats – Investigate Deptford Creek as a habitat, identify and name a variety of living things and group them into broad groups
  • Working scientifically – Measure the speed of flow of Deptford Creek by using scientific equipment, taking measurements and repeat readings
  • Local History – Observe aspects of national history reflected in the locality
  • Physical education – Take part in an outdoor and adventurous activity

“This was by far the best school trip ever. I would love to bring my family here again.”

Habitats at Low Tide

Habitat sampling in an aquatic habitat at Deptford Creek or the Creekside pond, and a terrestrial habitat

Suitable for Year 3-6 students. Includes opportunities to:

  • Working scientifically – Sample invertebrates using a range of scientific equipment, record results and use classification keys.
  • Living things and their habitats – Identify and name a variety of living things and group them into broad groups
  • Living things and their habitats – Classify living things according to common observable characteristics
  • Human geography – Observe how the land use of the area around Deptford Creek has changed
  • Local History – Observe aspects of national history reflected in the locality
  • Physical education – Take part in an outdoor and adventurous activity

"I got to hold a leech.  It felt weird but I'm glad I done it."

KS2 River Mouth Walk - High Tide

A guided walk on land following Deptford Creek to its mouth where it meets the Thames

Suitable for Year 3 to Year 6 students. Includes opportunities to:

  • Geographical skills and fieldwork – Use maps, compass directions and grid references to build on knowledge of the local area
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork – Create comparative field sketches by observing and recording the human and physical features in and around Deptford Creek at different locations
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork – Observe the human and physical features in and around Deptford Creek
  • Physical geography – Understand key aspects of rivers and the water cycle
  • Human geography – Observe how the land use of the area around Deptford Creek has changed
  • Living things and their habitats – Identify and name a variety of living things that use Deptford Creek as a habitat and group them into broad groups
  • Local History – Observe aspects of national history reflected in the locality

"I loved the hands on bits. It was different to what we normally do."

Shipwrecked - High Tide

Survive being shipwrecked in Deptford Creek: build a shelter, light a fire and forage for wild food

A group of children in a shelterSuitable for Year 3-6 students. Includes opportunities to:

  • Design and technology, Design – Develop a design for a shelter that is fit for purpose and communicate ideas through discussion
  • Design and technology, Make – Select from and use a range of construction materials according to their functional properties to make a shelter
  • Design and technology, Technical knowledge – Apply understanding of how to strengthen and reinforce their shelter
  • Cooking and nutrition – Understand seasonality and how to find a variety of foods growing wild
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork – use maps and globes to locate countries and describe water bodies
  • Physical education – Take part in an outdoor and adventurous activity
  • PSHE – Make safe and informed decisions about risk

"I enjoyed the teamwork when we made shelters"

Stone Age Experience - High Tide

Travel back in time and experience how our ancestors lived

A group of children at CreeksideSuitable for Year 3-6 students. Includes opportunities to:

  • Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age – An introduction to the lives of Neolithic hunter-gatherers
  • Design and technology, Design – Develop a design for a shelter that is fit for purpose and communicate ideas through discussion
  • Design and technology, Make – Select from and use a range of construction materials according to their functional properties to make a shelter
  • Art and design – Experiment with different materials and increase awareness of different kinds of art
  • Physical education – Take part in an outdoor and adventurous activity
  • PSHE – Make safe and informed decisions about risk

“For once my class didn't constantly ask when lunch was or if they could go to the toilet because they didn't want to miss out. Thank you!”

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