Since September 2021 we have welcomed 4 local community groups and 2 groups of students from local schools to learn about STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Creekside STEM Club was designed to give 11 to 16 year olds a chance to develop their interest in the natural environment and to learn more about careers where they can protect it. The young people taking part have been given the chance to share their feelings when they see environmental harm, and how they feel "hopeful", "relieved" and "determined" when they see examples of people working to help nature. 

"It was very fun, I will definitely be back!" - STEM Club participant aged 11, Sept 2021

As well as this, participants have waded in Deptford Creek (as seen in the image above), analysed engineering projects and their efforts to help nature, spoken to engineers working on the Tideway 'Super Sewer', and worked together in groups to test new types of wildlife inspired designs. Being given the opportunity to recognise the wildlife around us and discuss what we can do to protect it helps to empower young people and give them a say in how their local area should change in the coming years and decades. 

"This experience improved my point of view of wildlife" - STEM Club participant aged 13, Nov 2021

Most of all, participants have had fun! So far 100% would 'recommend Creekside STEM Club to other young people' - we're pretty happy with that! With British Science Week approaching we think it is a good time to encourage young learners to explore the science, technology, engineering and maths careers that can contribute to a more sustainable future for people and wildlife. We hope to work with many more engaged and passionate young people this year. 

"This was an enlightening experience and was great fun" - STEM Club participant aged 12, Nov 2021

Creekside STEM Club runs again this March and April. Click below for more information. 

After-school club Holiday club

Creekside STEM Club is supported by Tideway

< Creekside Art Week Young Archaeologist Club >

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